Thursday, July 23, 2009

UPDATE - July 23, 2009

Sorry I have taken so long to update everyone on what happened and what is going on. I'll start from the beginning and get you up to speed on the situation.

Around 12:35am Saturday, Tracy's water broke. I immediately called into the Dr. Peden's office to let them know. I was told that Dr. Peden was on call that night and that she would call right back. She did, and while on the phone with her Tracy said to me "I feel the cord." I told Dr. Peden and she told me to call 911 and get an ambulance and to get her to Lankenau as soon as we could. The EMTs arrived so fast and one of the EMTs knew how to handle a prolapsed cord. He immediately told Tracy what to do while he was walking up the stairs. For those that don't know, a prolapsed cord is potentially fatal. It cuts off the blood and oxygen supply to the baby. He was able to hold the cord and push the baby's bottom off the cord. He had to continue to do this until they arrived at Delaware County Memorial Hospital. That meant even going down our steps inside the house. DJ and Kelly, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Tracy had to have an emergency C-Section. Carter James arrived at 1:14 am and Jacob Cole arrived at 1:15. I was not present, but in the halls roaming trying to get information. Finally a Dr came out and told me the situation: Carter had not gotten a lot of oxygen during the ordeal and was born with a very low heart rate and was not breathing. They had to ventilate him. Jacob on the other had was doing well. A decision was made to send Carter to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital to do Cool Cap Therapy. They cool the brain to prevent any further damage from occurring with the hopes that Carter's brain can rewire itself to help with any damage that may have happened. The Jefferson NICU Transport team came and got him and this is where is still is. Grandmas Sturgis and Wolstoncroft came up and were joined by Aunt Trisha a little later. I'll fast forward a little bit....

Tracy and Jacob were discharged on Tuesday. Tracy was able to make it down to Jefferson to see Carter for the first time. He had been taken off the Cool Cap and was being hooked up to an EEG. He had been having some seizures and he was being medicated to help control them.

Yesterday/Today we received some promising news. Carter had not had and still has not had any more seizure activity since 4am Wednesday. He is still on the ventilator but he is also breathing above the vent, which means that he is taking more breaths on his own!!! His brain electrical activity has increased and has started going through sleep/wake patterns. Both very positive things. He is also responding more to touches. He has opened his eyes. They will be doing an MRI sometime soon to get a better look at possible damage.

Jacob had his first Dr. appointment on Wednesday as well and looks to be in fantastic health!

So this is where we are. Tracy and I would like to thank everyone for their support and concern. You are all helping to keep us strong in this difficult time.

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