Friday, July 16, 2010


The boys are almost a year old!!! And what an incredible day they had yesterday. We had our 12 month checkup with Dr. Devon, the pediatrician. Jacob weighed 21 pounds, 1 ounce and was 29 3/4 inches and Carter is 19 pounds, 11 ounces and 29 inches. They both squirmed all over the office and I was really happy that I had someone to go along with me! They each got three shots in their legs (2 in one, 1 in the other) They really handled them pretty well. Jacob was getting tired so he was a bit fussy.

We brought them home and put them down for a nap. Carter( the early riser) still slept for about an hour and 15 minutes. He got up and ate a little food and started playing. Then Jacob got up and they each had some milk and were playing downstairs. It was close to Daddy coming home and I was going to have to teach the rest of the evening so I was playing downstairs. And wouldn't you know...Jacob started walking to me and to the couch!!! Anywhere from three to seven steps at a time...I was so excited that I think I kept making him fall because he was laughing at me! Carter was not thrilled with all the attention I was giving Jacob but we managed about 15 minutes of practice!!!

Then while I was teaching later that night, Johnny was feeding the boys grilled cheese. Carter started taking the food and feeding himself!!! We are just so proud of them! Later while I was teaching my last student, Johnny tried putting the boys to bed. We usually wait until everyone is gone because they are too distracted to sleep with me teaching...but they had had a long day. Jacob went right to sleep...but Carter was screaming. So eventually Johnny went up to get him....and wouldn't you know, he was standing in his crib!!! First time he was able to pull himself up in the crib!

It was a huge day for them!! Let's see what else they can manage to squeeze in just before their first birthday!!!!

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