Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Catching Up

There has been so much going on that we should have posted but we have been really busy!

Carter had his G tube surgery on August 24th. After the surgery he went back for a short stay in the NICU to recover. We never realized how difficult it was to be at the NICU instead of the Pediatric floor because Jacob had to stay in the waiting room. So we were back to visiting Carter one at a time while the other stayed in the waiting room.

He was transferred back to the pediatric unit by the end of the week and was discharged on the 31st! IT was such a great day to take him out of the hospital and to have both of them finally home!!!

We spent a few days together before Johnny had to go back to work. Jacob was having a bit of a difficult time adjusting to having his brother home but he seems to be doing a little better now.

Once we had Carter home, I started feeding him by bottle at every feed so that he could get used to it. The only feed we didn't do this was the one in the middle of the night. We just hooked him to the pump. But the good news is that with more stimulation he is now taking all of his feeds from the bottle. (Complete 3-4 ounces every four hours!) He has been doing this since September 9th!!! We are so excited for him! He is slow but he improves each day! We have an appointment with a new speech therapist on Thursday to work out a new plan for him.

Carter had his follow up surgery appointment on Monday and they have replaced the long tube that he had with a little button which is great! No more huge tube coming out of his belly!!!

We have an appointment with Early Intervention to have Carter assessed for therapy. I am anxious for this because I would really like to continue his occupational therapy to work on his low muscle tone. We had started this at the hospital but the therapists did much more than we can.

Both of the boys go on Friday for their two month doctors visit. I am taking Nicole with me so that I don't have to hold two screaming babies when they get their shots!!! Hopefully that will go well and we can post their most recent heights and weights. Stay tuned!

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