Jake is doing really well. Had another doctors appointment today and he has gained 1/2 a pound. He is now 5 pounds 14.5 ounces. He is catching up to his brother who is now 6 pounds 7 ounces. Doctor said he looks really healthy. The only problem is that he is having some pains and we are not sure if it is gas or reflux. We are keeping an eye on it.
Carter is doing well also. He has started work with both a speech and occupational therapist. The Occupational Therapist has shown us different massages we can do to help stimulate him and strengthen his muscles and he seems to be responding very well to this. The Speech Therapist is showing us how to get him to start sucking. This is needed so that he can start to feed by bottle. He is only being fed by a feeding tube. Alicia said that he showed some signs of sucking this morning and both Tracy and I saw some this evening when we went in for a visit. Carter had some other visitors today; Jason and Nicole came to meet him. He was WIDE awake and was happy to see some new faces. He is always looking around the NICU at what is going on around him. We brought him his mobile and his loves it!!!
such handsome men!
ReplyDeleteI love Carter's sentient gaze in this photo -- he almost looks askance at having his picture taken! Jake looks so at ease with his sleep that I feel a vicarious pleasure in his rest.
ReplyDeleteThey really are wonderful, Tracy and Johnny --
Ann Daciuk
Oops, I mean Jacob.