Friday, February 27, 2009

Dr. Appointment on February 27

We had our second appointment today at Lankenau. Tracy is now at 16 1/2 weeks. Our appointment went pretty well. We met with Dr. Belden today. There are four doctors that we will be seeing at the group. We were hoping for an ultrasound today so we could see how the twins have grown over the last month, but unfortunately they didn't do one. We will have to wait until our 20 week ultrasound, scheduled for March 26th. We did get to hear the heartbeats today! This was the first time that I had heard them. It was amazing. We were able to hear one baby's heartbeat right away. The second baby took a little longer to find. I think we both got a little scared for a second, but everything is okay. Dr. Belden told us that they will be doing some stress tests later on to make sure that the twins are getting enough oxygen. This will happen around 28 weeks. Keep checking back for updates.

We would like to thank everyone for being so supportive.

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