So I haven't been any better at updating!
The boys are doing well....getting bigger all the time.
They went to the YMCA last week for Carters first water therapy. It was difficult to get them both there and dressed by myself but we did it and they had a great time in the pool. They were giggling and splashing the whole 45 minute session. We will be going every other week to help with Carters physical therapy. He is army crawling now...not consistently but he is working on it. He cut his first tooth this past Sunday and from the looks of it he will have a mouth full very soon!
Jacob is pulling up on everything and is minutes from taking his first steps alone. I will be surprised if he isn't walking in a week or so. He is very brave! He is into everything so we have to keep a close eye on him! No teeth yet for him but I don't think we are far. He also has a great appetite and will eat anything we give him. He loves to feed himself!!!
We are starting to plan their One year Birthday Party! I can't believe that a year has gone by already! Stay tuned for pictures. I will try to get some up soon!
Memorial Day weekend is here and we are getting ready to make a trip out to Gettysburg to see Alexie play in a soccer tournament. Hopefully we will get some pictures while we are there!