Tracy and I went in for our 24 week Ultrasounds on Tuesday. By the time I arrived the technician had already shown Tracy Baby Boy A. Once again it was so amazing to see each baby. Baby Boy A is weighing 1lb 8oz and Baby Boy B is 1lb 7oz. Both are about 12 inches long and are growing wonderfully!!! Below are some of the scans from the ultrasound.
Saturday was Tracy's first of four baby showers. This one was thrown by my mother in Salisbury. Tracy had a wonderful time. The weather was excellent and guest came from as far away as Minnesota (thanks Tia). It was nice to see everyone that we have not seen in a long time. Hopefully we will be seeing more of you soon. We received so many gifts and we are both so appreciative of everyone's generosity. Mom, thank you so much for planning this day for Tracy. We love you very much. Below are some photos from the shower.
Tracy is now almost 22 weeks. She has recently felt a little fluttering in her belly. Can't wait till they start having karate battles! Here are some photos from this weekend.